

I’m Yi-Shan Wu, currently a research assistant under the supervision of Dr. Chi-Jen Lu at Institute of Information Science (IIS)Academia Sinica. My research interest is theoretical machine learning, and in particular, online learning and some generalization issues in deep learning.

For online learning, I’m now working on the problem of Lifelong Learning, which could be seen as natural generalization of online optimization but includes more than one task. The goal is to understand how good regret bounds can be if certain knowledge is shared among tasks.

I’m also enthralled by problems in several aspects of deep learning, and in particular, the reason why a well-trained neural network can generalize well and why some algorithms such as SGD returns better solutions. I’m now working on a project about understanding how dropout or some other kinds of “noise" methods help improving generalization. Furthermore, I’m trying to figure out if there is any commonality among several approaches to prove generalization bound, such as stability, compression, mutual information, and etc.

This is my blog about some new research issues in machine learning. I insist on writing in Chinese as there are already a great amount of resources written in English. I wish more young students in Taiwan can also be interested in theoretical machine learning problems and know there is some guy who is willing to exchange ideas with them.

Here is my personal e-mail : turtleangwu@iis.sinica.edu.tw

我是吳宜珊﹝Yi-Shan Wu﹞,目前擔任中央研究院資訊所呂及人老師的研究助理。目前興趣是理論方面的機器學習問題,主要研究題目是有關『線上決策問題』﹝online learning ﹞、『普遍化問題』﹝deep learning generalization issues﹞,但也關心各式各樣有關機器學習的理論分析,尤其對現存模型或演算法的『限制』特別感興趣。



E-mail : turtleangwu@iis.sinica.edu.tw
GitHub page : turtleangwu.github.io




Online Learning 線上決策問題


GAN 相關議題

這個部分幾乎只關心最基本的 GAN 的相關理論議題,不像現在已經常被使用的 deep learning 模型如此花俏,主要是希望探討 generative model 的可行性。這些文章參考的幾乎都是那個議題最經典、或者是 2017 年之後的具影響力的論文。

Generalization 議題

Generalization 是機器學習非常重要的目標,但也是現在 deep learning 面臨的最大的問題:雖然大部分情況深度學習似乎都做的很好,但那是「意料之外的好」,也就是其實我們沒有好的線索能夠知道這個模型是不是能有好的 generalization 性質,有些結果或是現在甚至不太符合我們之前對於 neural network 的理解,因此這個領域的理論發展最近簡直是百家爭鳴,說法各不相同,而筆者希望對於不同的文章都能多少有著墨,然後給出一個中性的整理。


這個類別包含的有點廣,但主要聚焦在 non-convex problem 的最佳化上,尤其包含一些文章針對為什麼 SGD 演算法普遍而言可以得到不錯的解做一些探討。

Security and Privacy of Machine Learning



Online learning — Follow the Regularized Leader

Follow the Regularized Leader (FTRL) 是解 Online Convex Optimization 問題非常常用的方法。以下將簡單介紹 Online Convex Optimization (OCO),並從 Follow the Leader 的角度解釋為什麼需要 Regularizer。

繼續閱讀 “Online learning — Follow the Regularized Leader"

Numerical Linear Algebra — subspace embedding

這份 note 是根據『 Sketching as a Tool for Numerical Linear Algebra — David P. Woodruff 』的講義,以及我們在 2018, fall 的讀書會內容做的簡短整理。


繼續閱讀 “Numerical Linear Algebra — subspace embedding"

Adversarial Examples

這篇文章主要根據實驗室同事王昱舒(台大資工系 B04 級)於2018/08/31 在中研院資訊所的報告紀錄而成。報告內容是 2018 ICML 其中一篇獲得 best paper award 的論文:Obfuscated Gradients Give a False Sense of Security: Circumventing Defenses to Adversarial Examples以下會有關於 adversarial examples 的基本介紹,以及提到 adversarial examples 如何影響機器學習的安全性。

繼續閱讀 “Adversarial Examples"

SGD(1) — for non-convex functions

這一系列文主要要介紹一個非常常用到,幾乎是所有做機器學習、深度學習的人都會知道的方法,Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) ,大家幾乎把它當基本常識用,但其實他藏有非常神秘、強大的力量。一開始是實驗做多了大家意外的發現,近幾年才開始慢慢有理論研究給予驗證,雖然結果仍然十分有限,但也足夠我們相信這條路應該還有更多有趣的故事可以發掘。但在這之前要先做一點簡單的背景介紹。

繼續閱讀 “SGD(1) — for non-convex functions"